Himaya Innov’Days 2024
March 04-06, 2024, CERIST
Study days
Second edition of the national study days on the prospects for Algerian Civil Protection to keep pace with modern scientific and technological developments
Continuing the work aimed at consolidating relations between Algerian institutions of scientific research and technological development with their economic and social environment, and coinciding with the International Day and the Maghreb Day of Civil Protection, corresponding to, respectively, March 1 and 18, the CEntre of Research Scientific and Technical Information (CERIST) is pleased to host the second edition of the “National Study Days on the perspectives of Algerian Civil Protection to keep pace with modern scientific and technological developments”.
Programme: Download the programme here
Innovate – Code – Save lives
As part of the Himaya Innov’days 2024, the CERIST (Research Centre on Scientific and Technical Information), in collaboration with the Algerian Civil Protection, the University Yahia Farès of Medea, and the DGRSDT (Directorate-General for Scientific Research and Technological Development) is organizing a hackathon
Poster session
Empowering Civil Defense with Effective Disaster Management Technologies
Himaya Innov’Days 2024 invites Algerian researchers, scientists, engineers, and innovators to submit posters showcasing cutting-edge technologies aimed at revolutionizing civil defence response in times of disasters. The poster can describe existing published research or new work that fits within the specified areas of interest.
Himaya Innov’Space
Startups, Innovative products, Discussion spaces, Stands (Civil Protection, CRAAG, etc.)
Himaya Innov’Space is a space that combines technological innovation with practical solutions to face contemporary challenges of Algerian civil protection in general and disaster management in particular.