Empowering Civil Defense with Effective Disaster Management Technologies
Submission deadline: February 5th, 2024 (Closed)
Himaya Innov’Days 2024 invites Algerian researchers, scientists, engineers, and innovators to submit posters showcasing cutting-edge technologies aimed at revolutionizing civil defence response in times of disasters. The poster can describe existing published research or new work that fits within the specified areas of interest. Submissions must be plainly justified in 10pt character size, formatted to fit A4: 21 x 29.7 cm, and include the title, author(s), affiliation, e-mail, and the identity of the presenter (in case of a multi-authored poster), followed by an abstract text (at most 200 words). A standard .pdf file must be received by February 5th, 2024 for your submission to be considered.
All submissions should be sent by email to: himaya-innov@cerist.dz
Himaya Innov’Days 2024 event is seeking relevant contributions, mainly in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Robotics, and Drones to address the pressing challenges faced before, during or after natural or man-made disasters. The focus areas include Forest fires, Flooding, Earthquakes, and other Natural and Technological risks, as well as Psychological support for disaster victims.
Download the call for posters (CFP), Please click here
Accepted Posters
- MATOUGUI Zakaria, DJERBAL Lynda, BAHAR Ramdane, ” “Enhancing Landslide Hazard Preparedness: Susceptibility Mapping for Early Warning Systems“, USTHB.
- BENABDELLAH Youcef, RABAH Mohammed Amine, “Evaluating Satellite Capabilities for Emergency Communications and Data Transfer in Disaster Management“, Algerian Space Agency, Satellite Development Center.
- HANNANE Amir Mokhtar, BENALLAL Mohamed Anis, “Satellite Data for Forest Fire Detection using Deep learning“, USTO-MB.
- BELBAHI Halima, NOURA Hichem,MEBARKI Ahmed, “A Data-Driven Approach to Post-Earthquake Building Damage Assessment Using Random Forest Modeling“, Universite Djilali Bounaama Khemis of Miliana.
- KERBAB Sarra, LABED Said, HERID Amani, “Intelligent Forest and Fields Fire Detection Systems“,
- Belhadj Benziane Abdelhammid , Mokhtari Djamel Eddine, “Rôle du système d’information géographique dans la gestion des interventions liées à la pandémie Covid-19“, Hassiba Benbouali University Chlef.
- M. MALKI , A.L. BOUKHALKHAL , S. BOUBENDIR M.N. LEKMOUCHI , A. BENKOUITEN, “Design and Fabrication of a Fire Fighting Robot with Flame Detection“, National School of Advanced Technologies Bordj El Kiffan, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Djelfa, USTHB.
- Belhachemi Mohammed Habib et al. “Flood Stop“, Univesity of Ghardaïa.